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Texas Supreme Court Denies Rehearing in U.S. Metals v. Liberty Mutual

by Robert Witmeyer >On June 17, 2016, the Texas Supreme Court denied the parties’ motions for rehearing in U.S. Metals v. Liberty Mutual, No. 14-0753, 2015 WL 7792557 (Tex. Dec. 4, 2015).  The Court’s opinion represents the current law in Texas for “property damage” and the “impaired property” exclusion under…

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Stowers After Patterson: Same As It Ever Was?

by Matthew Steven Paradowski In April 2015 an opinion issued by the First District Court of Appeals in Houston caught the rapt attention of liability insurers and insurance law practitioners in the State of Texas, as it appeared to fundamentally alter the Stowers duty—the sole common law duty owed by…

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